Home Is Where the Book Is
Where proud and excited, as ever, to announce this month's theme - Home! We always carefully consider which theme to pick. It is...
This month's theme is deliciously exciting...
Our taste buds are tingling at this month's theme all about food! Our subscribers have been spoilt with a delicious mix of books which...
International Book Giving Day!
February 14th isn't just Valentine's Day. It's also International Book Giving Day and we, at The Happy Book Club, have given away a...
International Book Giving Day!
As you know, this month's theme is Books! Weird for a book subscription to have that as their a theme, I know, but I justified that in a...
You heard correctly. February's theme is Books!
I can hear it now. 'Every month is book month, surely?' 'Despite the books being lovely, the theme is not incredibly original' 'How do...
We are all Unique!
This month's theme is Uniqueness and we're celebrating everything that comes with it. That includes how unique our children are, how...
We Promise.
As part of our 2 day event (woop woop!) we thought we'd share with you our promises going forward! 1. We will ALWAYS provide amazing...
August Charity - Marine Conservation Society
When we set up The Happy Book Club we wanted to do good. Primarily we encourage children and parents reading together in the hope that we...