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Books to do with Books!

Here's our monthly round-up of books that match our current theme. Those of you who are eagle-eyed, and eared, may have heard that this month's theme is books. So yes, these are the best books about books. As always the top few are the books that we send out to our lucky subscribers, and the bottom ones are our near-favourites. Let us know if you have any other suggestions!

Definitely think I'll combine this with #top5friday to save me a job...


Our books! All reviews to these can be found on our Previous Packages page or on Amazon!

Books Always Everywhere

Library Lily

Best Books in the World

Baxter's Book


The best of the rest!

Book about reading #1

The Incredible Book Eating Boy by Oliver Jeffers

Classic Jeffers! A unique, funny story about a boy who learns loads by eating books. Typically, his humorous illustrations match his inventive storytelling.

Book about reading #2

Wanted! Ralfy Rabbit, Book Burgler by Emily MacKenzie

For the slightly older picturebook lover. There's plenty of humour here too, with lists of Ralfy's favourite books being rabbit puns. The story, as you can imagine is about a rabbit who just loves books so much he becomes a kleptomaniac. In a way, it kind of excuses that stealing is OK, as look as it's book your stealing and if your a rabbit. So it's a slightly mixed for the rabbits out there that comprehend the English language. But for everyone else, definitely worth a read.

Book about reading #3

The Story Machine by Tim McLaughlin

This is a story more about the power of imagination and words than it is specifically about the love of books. But we've included it here because we think it encourages storytelling per se, and if that doesn't encourage reading books, I don't know what will. Maybe free books? Anyway, it's a great book for the inquisitive and creative!

Book about reading #4

The Detective Dog by Julia Donaldson and Sara Ogilvie

Yep. Another Julia Donaldson. But it's another fantastic edition to her rather massive repertoire. The Detective Dog saves the day by finding books that have been taken from the library. And no, it wasn't Ralfy Rabbit (see above) although the plots aren't dissimilar. Despite this, she still hooks in the reader with her ever-present lyrical rhymes and fantastic structure.

Book about reading #5

It's a Book! by Lane Smith

I loved this but., my wife, not-so-much. Monkey's friends are all confused by the prospect of him reading a book as opposed to a tablet or a phone that he gets more and more annoyed by their ignorance! It does end with him called an ass a jackass so I guess your enjoyment will depend on your tolerance for questionable language. Apparently, I have lower standards and therefore found it a funny and relevant book for most - but not all.

I said this above but I'll say it again. Let us know if you think of any extras. We need you!


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