#Top5Friday - Top 5 Book Characters
Well this is close to impossible. But this what we came up with. Scroll down for other people's suggestions! Join us next week for Top 5 TV/Film adaptations of children's books!
Here's our number 1. The unique, loveable, and yet slightly scary Gruffalo.
Number 2. What childhood is complete without Beatrix Potter? Here's the little scamp, Peter Rabbit!
Gotta love a bit of WInnie the Pooh. In at Number 3!
The inspiring, book-loving Matilda in at Number 4. Thank you Roald Dahl!
Number 5. Barry The Fish With Fingers. I mean, he's a fish with fingers. Surely that's a good enough reason?
And thank you again to all those who added their views using the hashtag! Hugely appreciated. Here are our favourite tweets! Until next time!