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Tree Stuff

Some people may be enjoying the supermoon this month, or taking interest in American politics, or even kicking off about the newly-shaped toblerone but here, at The Happy Book Club, we're all about trees!

We've supplied our lucky subscribers with beautiful books (and even seeds) in this month's package but I thought I'd share some other tree-related ideas that you may all find at least a tiny bit interesting.

Here are some related themes/ideas to explore:

  • Light and shade

  • Noise - we're going to post a few sound trail videos that we took for our Noise month soon. Just take your little ones into the woods and find some new sounds!

  • Seasons

  • Art - either do some art outside, perhaps using bark or leaf rubbings. Or collect some tree-related items and do some painting with them. They'll like nothing better than scrunching up some crunchy looking leaves and dipping them in paint.

  • Small world play - Make a woodland themed activity set with some bark, seeds, acorns, leaves, twigs, so on and so on. Add a couple of your favourite figurines/soft toys and let your little one make up their own story!

  • Science - grow your own trees, talk about the rings of a tree or identify different types of tree.

  • Climbing

  • Habitats

  • and not to mention that there are so many excellent children's books that have trees as their main theme - you can check out our top selection here.

We also went on a walk round our local park the other day. Here are some pictures that you or may not find inspiring. But I'll show you anyway.

Tree 1

Tree 2

Tree 3

Tree 4

Tree 5

Tree 6

Tree 7

Tree 8

Tree 9

As I said, we'll post a couple of sound trail videos. We've also got plans to write a few other blogs but, for now, I'm sleepy.


P.S check out our new Christmas package if you haven't already!

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