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We're Extreemely Excited!

November is here and so is our wonderful book package. This month's theme is TREE and it's sew good. Get ready. This is going to be pun-tastic.

Here are some lovely trees.

Seriously, you won't beleaf how good this month's parcel is. We have not only included two amazing books written by budding writers, along with our usual awesome activity suggestions, but this month we have also included tree seeds for you to try and grow with your little ones. And yes, I'm a realist. The word 'try' was intended.

We are confident that the books we sent to our lucky little subscribers will become favourites in the same way they became ours.


First up we have a book by the award-winning Oliver Jeffers. This story is a very funny, imaginative one about a boy who gets his kite stuck in a tree. The boy then tries to remedy this by throwing up more and more things to dislodge it until a whale (amongst other things) gets stuck... Does he get his kite back in the end? Well you'll have to read it to find out!

Secondly we have our new favourite illustrator (who also happens to be editorial director at Caterpillar Books) in Patricia Hegarty. We have supplied our readers with the dye-cut, hardback version, which has an owl peeping through each page. It a beautiful book about the changes we see in different seasons and is one that can capture the imagination and foster a love of nature from a variety of ages. She actually has a similar book, Bee, which has been nominated for the Carnegie award, which is also well worth a read.

There are so many craft activities related to trees that we can't wait to share them with you this month. As ever, here are some ideas on our Pinterest board to get you started.

There are also loads of other excellent tree-related books that we will of course share with you too in a few days' time. Plus we will share with you information on this month's chosen charity, The Tree Council

But for now, we'll let our customers have an exseedingly good time with their packages. And for all those people who like the look of what they see, why not branch out and subscribe? We're now offering a special Christmas package too!

Happy Reading! Or should I say 'Happy Treeding'?*

*No, I shouldn't.

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