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Imagination Flowchart

For those people lacking inspiration, here's a formulaic way to use your imagination (if that's possible?). As a mathematician, I love a good flowchart. Doesn't quite beat a lovely Venn Diagram but then what does?

1. Find an object

2. Ask yourself if you can:

Make a noise with it

Hide it

Throw it

Act with it

Pretend it's a character

Draw with it

Make art with it

Colour it in

Make it smaller/bigger

Break it

Build with it

Cook with it

Pretend it's magic

Write a story about it

Learn more about it

Take photos of it

Nurture it

3. Do it.

It's quite simple, really. I'm sure there are many more things/stories you could contrive but I don't want to take that opportunity away from you.

Here's how we had some fun with some boxes. By the way, it helps if you or your partner has a mild obsession with Amazon Prime.

Get in a box. Imagination.

Make a multi-story garage out of boxes.

Play with boxes!

A magic door!

Just to clarify, it was Esme's idea to get in the box. She's not a very good hider.

Anyway, stay tuned for more ideas, news and happy booky stuff.

Until next time.

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