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Books to Make Noise to!

Last month's theme was 'Fish' and, as well as providing our members with two of our favourite fishy books, we also provided a list of others that we'd recommend.

Here's our list of books that perfectly complement this month's theme; Noise! Although, truth is, there is surely no better noise than reading out loud?!

The books we included this month:

Noise book fun Trixie Ten

Trixie Ten by Sarah Massini

Crash Bang Donkey Noise Book

Crash Bang Donkey! by Jill Newton


The Ones You May Have Missed

Stan and Mabel by Paul Rissmann and Polly Ives

A truly wonderful book but for children who are probably at least 3 years old. Funny, educational and enticing. A great family read. For those who have older children still, check out this incredible resource:

Woooo! by Gerry Turley

Woooo owl noise book

Perfect for very little ones. Beautiful illustrations and simple, engaging language make this book very easy to access and interact with.

The Dawn Chorus by Suzanne Barton

Dawn Chorus book Noise

A lovely book about singing and melody. A book that's as much about friendship and community as it is song, it covers plenty of important topics without coming across as preachy. Just very sweet and endearing.

What the Ladybird Heard by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks

Much like all of Julia Donaldson's books, there is a great rhythm and so it's easier to play with pace. With the added benefit of animal sounds and rhyming, this is one my favourites of hers. Also worth recommending the sound book version! (In fact, there are so many good sound books that it seems unfair to include them in this list...)

Sweet Music in Harlem by Debbie A. Taylor and Frank Morrison

An enchanting story featuring jazz music and real jazz musicians. I won't do the book justice. Just read this!

Update - June '17

Frankie by Tim Hopgood

What a beautiful, unique book! This story follows usually quiet Frankie who discovers music and what happens both in the story and visually is a synesthesiac (I'm sticking with that as a word) masterpiece.

What a Wonderful World by Tim Hopgood

Take a bow Tim Hopgood. This is just beautiful. It's the lyrics from the Louis Armstrong's famous song but with Hopgood's perfect illustrations. An inspiring book to sing along to at home!

If you can think of any others, let us know on Facebook. And if you haven't joined us yet, now's the time! Subscribe to our website and get a 15% coupon for your first purchase!

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